Darby House | Clare & Grant

There is a saying I heard often growing up – “nothing good happens after midnight”.  For Grant and Clare, that couldn’t be further from the truth.  During their first week at Northwestern University, the two met through Cru during what seemed like an unfortunate accident at 2am.  A group of friends decided to climb on the roof of Swift Hall.  During Clare’s turn to climb up, a miscommunication ended with Clare falling ten feet to the ground.  With no major injuries (luckily!), the beginning of their story began to take root.  

What started and developed as a friendship over the next two years, turned to more. During the last week of Sophomore year, Grant expressed his feelings for Clare in the middle of the pouring rain at 3am. The pair ended Sophomore year shifting their friendship into a dating relationship.  Their story goes to show, sometimes the sweetest moments are always after midnight.

After celebrating their engagement at the end of 2020 with family and friends, Clare and Grant planned their Fall wedding for Labor Day weekend.  With a close friend officiating their wedding at Darby House, they began their marriage on a beautiful fall day.  

So many special moments happened during Clare and Grant’s wedding day.  Of all moments, what stood out the most is the support system they’re surround by as they begin their marriage together.  From the moment I walked into Clare’s parent’s house, there was joy radiating from the bridal party and family about their excitement for Clare and Grant.  How much the bride and groom meant to each person and thankfulness of their faith.  Clare’s father summed it up perfectly during his toast.  Explaining how Clare and Grant were the first of each family to get married.  How lucky their families were to have their younger children look to Clare and Grant to see their marriage as a an example of not settling, choosing your partner wisely and putting faith at the center of their marriage.  

Clare and Grant – Thank you for the opportunity to play a small role in your wedding day.  It was a an honor to photograph your wedding and work with you, your family and friends!

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