Ault Park Engagement | Heather & Jacob

Can we all agree the Ohio weather and forecast has been all over the board? From sudden down pours to bright, sunny days 30 minutes later, expecting frequent changes is a must.

Heather and Jacob’s engagement session at Ault Park in Cincinnati, Ohio was no different. After studying and frequently checking the forecast, the weather was planned to clear up just in time for their session. The weather cleared exactly three minutes after their scheduled session start time to be exact! The rain stopped and dark clouds rolled away leaving us with an overcast evening to spend together.

My favorite perk of photographing a session right after a rain storm is the emptiness of the location! It was such a special treat to be able to spend time strolling Ault Park with Heather and Jacob and only a handful of other small groups around!

Heather and Jacob were naturals from the very beginning of their session! I can’t wait to celebrate them this Fall at the Bell Event Centre in Cincinnati, Ohio!

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