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Creating a Gallery Wall

A look behind the scenes of designing a gallery

Ashleigh Grzybowski Photography | Ohio Wedding Photographer

When my husband and I moved into our current home we knew we wanted to create a gallery wall in our open living, dining room. We had the perfect wall with lots of space to design the gallery wall of our dreams!

After 18 months of looking at the blank wall we finally decided it was time to design and create the gallery wall. We set out with a few priorities for our wall –

  • Neutral and timeless frames to showcase our favorite photographs
  • Room to expand the gallery over the next couple years
  • Flexibility in changing out some photographs over the years

Once our priorities were established I began gathering existing frames, photographs and working through designs. In total, it took us two weeks to complete our gallery wall due to waiting on prints to arrive. Below is the process we worked through to create our wall start to finish!

Gather Existing Frames and Photographs

We had a few existing frames I loved and wanted to use in our gallery wall. I also had existing professional prints of our wedding, a trip to Charleston and our Spring family session that I had printed after those sessions. I selected my favorite photographs from these sessions and left room for additional family photographs we knew we wanted to add into the wall.

Create Layout Design

With the existing frames and photographs I knew were must haves for our wall, I began searching Pinterest for inspiration. I pinned a few different gallery wall ideas to figure out why I was so drawn to those specific designs. After looking through the inspiration, I realized I loved the idea of mixed frames while still maintaining spacing structure and mirroring symmetry.

Since I didn’t have all the frames needed for the entire design I had in my mind, I sketched out an outline of what I wanted the design to look like with the existing frames I had and space for new frames. Then I set out to find additional frames needed.

Find Frames to Fill In Design Holes

I looked online and in store to find the frames needed. I lucked out and found a black frame set that had all the frames I needed to complete the design!

Order Additional Photographs

Once I had all the frames at home, I ordered the remaining photographs we needed. I waited to order the photographs until I had all frames so I could order the exact sizes needed. I ordered a variation of 4×6 and 5×7 photographs to fill the remaining frames.

Hang Frames

With the design laid out on our dining table and final prints in hand we choose one night to hang all the frames. To make hanging the frames easy we decided to use Command strips with velcro. This gives us the flexibility to update our extended family photographs as we take new ones each year. It also saved us SO much time and frustration. We used a level to hang all frames. Grateful to say all frames were level the first time! No redoing involved!

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